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Terms and Conditions of Service

Effective 1/5/23

Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) and Sites@UMW are online services provided to the UMW community by Digital Learning Support (DLS) and the Digital Knowledge Center (DKC). 

By setting up an account for any of the services, you accept the terms and conditions in this document.  UMW can modify these terms and conditions at any time but will attempt to notify users when changes are made.

  • Domain of One’s Own provides users with a domain name and web hosting. Students, Faculty and Staff can create websites and install open-source software.   

  • Sites@UMW provide Students, Faculty, and Staff a place to easily create a web presence using WordPress.
  • As participants in a public web space, users must understand that the work they publish using these services may be browsed or viewed by anyone on the web.  If you have any questions about this at any time, please contact DLS or the DKC.
  • These services are maintained and supported by UMW’s Digital Learning Support (DLS) and the Digital Knowledge Center (DKC) in cooperation with a third-party contractor, Reclaim Hosting.
  • Support for faculty and staff pedagogical uses of the servces is provided by DLS, while the DKC supports student uses.

Terms And Conditions for All Users 

  • Users are expected to abide by all federal and state law (including copyright and intellectual property law) as well as all UMW policies including but not limited to the Network and Computer Use Policy, Honor Code, and ASPIRE Statement of Community Values.
  • The owner of the account is responsible for all content that is posted to the account.
  • While UMW does not routinely monitor the content posted by users, we reserve the right to remove any content and close any account that is found to be in violation of any law, policy, or these Terms of Service.  If a user’s content is being investigated for violation of laws or policies, we may disable a user’s access to the account and hide that content until the investigation is complete.
  • These services are provided for academic and personal use. Users may not use the services to solicit or collect any funds, use the services for commercial purposes, or solicit or collect funds for any charitable or community organization.
  • UMW may make changes or terminate the services provided at any time.  UMW will attempt to provide users with an opportunity to take over personal ownership and cost of their domains and export all their content if the project should end.
  • UMW reserves the right to remove any content stored on DoOO and Sites@UMW after the account owner (Student, Faculty or Staff member) is no longer affiliated with the University.
  • Services may be interrupted for maintenance and other updates, but we will attempt to notify users of scheduled downtime.
  • Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. 

Terms and Conditions for Students

  • Students setting up a DoOO account receive one free domain and are encouraged to build off that domain by using subdomains and/or directories.
  • The free domain cannot be changed, so choose wisely.  See “Additional Domains” below if you would like to purchase your own domain and add it to your DoOO account.
  • Students who setup a DoOO and/or Sites@UMW account(s) may continue to use them as long as they are an active student at UMW. Upon leaving UMW, access to your account(s) ends and free domains will not be renewed.
  • Students can contact the Digital Knowledge Center to learn about how they can transfer ownership of their domain and migrate their content off Domain of One’s Own.

Terms and Conditions for Student Organizations

  • Student Organizations, such as clubs, may request a DoOO account and one free domain if they are an active and approved University club. Contact dkc@umw.edu to request account creation.
  • Student Organizations are responsible for identifying a student with an active DoOO account to manage their domain.
  • Student Organizations are responsible for transferring ownership of the domain to another active DoOO account if the managing student leaves the University. If a new student manager is not assigned, UMW reserves the right to remove any content stored on DoOO.

Terms and Conditions for Faculty and Staff

  • Faculty and Staff setting up a DoOO account receive one free domain and are encouraged to build off that domain by using subdomains and/or directories.
  • Faculty and Staff may contact DLS to request one additional free domain name (separate URL). Requests are reviewed by DLS and must exhibit pedagogical or scholarly relevance to be approved.
  • Faculty and Staff users who setup a DoOO and/or Sites@UMW account(s) may continue to use them as long as they are employed by UMW. Upon ending employment with the University, access to your account(s) ends and free domains will not be renewed.
  • Faculty and Staff can contact Digital Learning Support to learn about how they can migrate their content off Domain of One’s Own.

Terms and Conditions for Academic Programs

  • Academic Programs may request one free domain that will be set up and managed by a member of that program.
  • If the site manager changes, the Academic Program should contact DLS to have the account transferred to a new manager.
  • Primary Academic Program sites should exist and be updated on the main UMW website, umw.edu. Please email webmaster@umw.edu for access and support of umw.edu websites.

Additional Domains

  • Additional domains may be purchased outside of the Domain of One’s Own program and added to an existing Domain of One’s Own account. Students should contact the DKC at dkc@umw.edu for assistance.  All others should contact DLS at dls@umw.edu.