Introductory Presentations

Digital Identity, Domain of One's Own, WordPress, Digital Tools, Media tools

Presenting Domain of One’s Own and digital tools can sometimes be daunting but rest assured, there are a number of presentation-ready slides that anyone in the UMW Community use, browse, and refer back to. These slides include introductions, some in-depth details, tips, tutorial videos, and speaking/additional notes that explain the popular platforms and tools used in courses and for personal projects here at UMW.  These slides are public on the web, so they can be shared, presented, and printed. Additionally, faculty/staff and students can peruse the Help Guides.  For further help, students can make a tutorial appointment or drop by the Digital Knowledge Center (DKC) in HCC 408. Faculty and staff can contact Digital Learning Support (DLS).


In each of these sections you will find a link and an embedded presentation. You can make the slideshow full screen as well as open the speaker notes from the embedded presentation.  

Click the + symbol open a topic and the – symbol to close it.
